Setting a goal helps you to run a successful campaign. With Taboola, you can input a Marketing Objective, or goal, for every campaign you launch. By having this goal in place, you will be in a better position to manage and optimize your campaign to hit your goals.
This article will review how to input your Marketing Objective.
Setting Your Campaign’s Marketing Objective
In your Taboola Ads Dashboard:
- Click + Create when in the Taboola Campaign Tab.
- Click Campaign, which will lead to your campaign setup page.
- On the New Campaign screen, under the Campaign Setup section choose the Marketing Objective that is most appropriate for your goal.
- Here, you can choose your Marketing Objective from five types:
- Lead Generation: drive leads, such as email signups
- Online Purchases: for E-commerce advertisers and general product purchasing
- Website Engagement: Increase user engagement and page views
- Brand Awareness: Increase awareness of your brand
- Mobile app installs: Get users to install your app
All marketing objectives helps Taboola's Smart Bid algorithm to optimize towards your goal.
- After you have entered your Marketing Objective, and the rest of your campaign settings, click Next. Then you will be able to start adding campaign items to your new campaign.
You can edit the operating system targeting at any time by returning to the Edit Campaign page.