The following are the accepted methods of payment with Taboola. For additional information about payment schedules, see Payment Schedules.
Monthly Credit Limit and Prepayment Billing
Payment can be made via wire, ACH, check or credit card (MasterCard, Visa, American Express and Discover). If you need assistance please contact your account manager.
Automatic Billing
Payment can be made via credit card (MasterCard, Visa, American Express, and Discover).
More information:
There are no fees for payments made via ACH or check. Advertisers who are on Monthly Credit Limit or Prepayment terms can contact their account managers to set up this form of payment.
Advertisers who pay with a credit card may incur an additional processing fee of ~2.5% - 3.5% depending on region.
- For clients on Automatic Billing, this will be charged on top of your total spend (for instance, for every $100 of spend, we will charge you ~$103).
- For advertisers who Prepay, this will be deducted from your total available spend (for instance, when you add $100 you will have an available balance of ~$97).