Your credit card payments should match the spend you have accrued in your Taboola account. If you do notice a discrepancy, consider the following factors:
- Billing increments (This reason only applies if you are using the Automatic Billing schedule. You can learn more about payment schedules here) - Your credit card will be charged automatically every time your campaign spends the amount of your billing increment. At the end of the month, you will be automatically charged for the remaining balance, even if you have not reached your billing increment. If your charges do not match your Taboola spend, there may be an outstanding payment that has yet to be charged to your account.
- Currency Exchange Rates - If you are paying in a currency other than your local currency, costs may vary based on the time and amount which you are charged.
- VAT - If you are required to pay additional VAT, this may be reflected on your statements and will not show in your Taboola Dashboard.
If you think there is a different error, please reach out to your local billing team. Someone from the team will review the issue and get back to you as soon as possible.