In this article you'll learn how to ensure the content of your landing pages meet Taboola's requirements regarding user experience, transparency and third party content.
Before running a campaign on the Taboola network, it’s important to be aware of these requirements for your landing pages. Landing pages refer to where the user goes after clicking on your campaign item. It is the page that holds your content and sometimes third party content, such as advertisements.
All landing pages must comply with the following policies:
To learn how to improve your landing pages follow below:
User Experience
- Write clean and free of multiple typos/poor grammar
- Ensure images are high-quality, honest and aligned with the campaign (avoid using images that are significantly altered from the original)
- Use functional pages with working and correctly labelled hyperlinks and navigational bars
- Write in the appropriate language of the location you are targeting and matching to the language used in your campaign items
- Be clear, truthful and avoid plagiarism
- Use pages with content and substance (avoid using general search directories or indexes)
- Ensure the page/s are accessible (avoid using paywalls or registration gates unless required by law (or with permission from Taboola)
Clarity and Transparency
- Use real social media comments linked to the source and/or real testimonials with disclosures
- Hyperlink media logos used to endorse the product or service to the source or article endorsing it.
- Use authorised images and content (avoid using images of government symbols or buildings; images and names of celebrities; and brand logos without explicit permission to do so)
Promotional details
- Use an appropriate sense of urgency (avoid using countdown timers, auto-updating timestamps, language that suggests the offer ends when it doesn’t)
- Include all promotional details
- Include company details and contact information easily accessible on the landing page (include an impressum if required)
- Promotional offers should be clear and understandable to the user (Avoid giving the appearance that the content is editorial in nature rather than promotional)
- Use claims of ‘Free’ only with the shipping costs clearly disclosed beside it
- Make claims about competitor brands only when those claims are easily supported
- Hyperlink the transcript on the video page for videos over one minute in length
- Use user initiated audio
- Include a mute button/sound toggle
- Include pause, rewind and fast forward options clearly visible to the user
- Include the contact information for the company being promoted
- Use all appropriate disclosures including
- All paid endorsements (e.g. “These are paid testimonials. All reviewers were compensated to provide their product reviews.”)
- Testimonies that reflect atypical results (e.g. “Results not typical.”)
- Promotional content that may be confused with editorial content (e.g. “Advertorial” written clearly across the top of the page)
- Affiliations (e.g. if the article is sponsored or the author is being paid for it this should be disclosed usually at the top of the article clearly stating “Sponsored By Company Name”
Advertisements and Third Party Content
This includes both (1) the advertisements or third-party content on your landing page and (2) the websites that the user lands on after clicking on these advertisements or third-party content. This also includes any subsequent gallery or other pages a user might see after clicking on the advertisement or third-party content.
Taboola strives to maintain a network of relevant, reliable and appropriate content so that audiences can expect a certain quality of content recommended by Taboola. That is why we monitor the content quality in any other third-party ads or content recommendations that appear on your landing pages. We have found that certain third-party practices reduce the quality of the Taboola network.
Third party ads should
- Make it clear they are ads
- Disclose the source/provider of the widget
- Disclose the promoters of the ads in the widget following our Branding Text Guidelines