Before running a campaign on the Taboola network, it’s important to be aware of these requirements for your titles, thumbnails, and branding text.
Your titles, thumbnails and branding text must comply with the policies below. These guidelines are not exhaustive, and we will reject or remove any campaign items that we believe to be harmful to our publishers or users, even if the campaign items otherwise comply with all of our guidelines.
V All thumbnails must comply with the following policies:
- Restricted Content, Products and Services
- Prohibited Content, Products and Services
- Prohibited Campaign Practices
Thumbnail Technical Requirements
V Your thumbnail size must a have a minimum width of 600px and a minimum length of 400px.
X Your thumbnail file size must be no more than 2.5 MB.
Thumbnail Image Policies
X Thumbnails must not be misleading.
- Example: If the landing page is a slideshow about celebrities, the thumbnail must not feature a celebrity who does not appear reasonably close to the beginning of the slideshow.
X Thumbnails must not show before/after photos.
- Example: A thumbnail for a weight loss supplement campaign must not use a photo of an individual before taking the supplement alongside another photo of the same individual after taking the supplement for a period of time.
X Thumbnails must not be of poor quality or very low resolution.
X Thumbnails must not feature celebrities or politicians when the campaign promotes a product or service, unless you can produce documented permission from the individuals featured.
V All titles must comply with the following policies:
- Restricted Content, Products and Services
- Prohibited Content, Products and Services
- Prohibited Campaign Practices
V Titles must make sense and must only contain correctly spelled words.
- Acceptable: You'll Be Desperate to Find out What's Lurking in the Shadows
- Unacceptable: Eeek! What's Lurrking in the Shadows?! I Have to Know!
V Titles must use proper grammar and punctuation.
- Acceptable: These 21 Hilarious Foods Will Blow You Away
- Unacceptable: 21 Foods That Forgot How to Food
V Titles must be properly written in the appropriate language for the territory that is targeted in the campaign.
X Titles must not be misleading and must accurately reflect the subject of the landing page.
X Titles must not be in all capital letters or contain excessive punctuation.
- Acceptable: 10 Unbelievable Women You Won't Believe Exist
X Titles must not contain solely the product price, without any additional description.
Branding Text
V Campaign branding text must comply with the following policies:
- Restricted Content, Products and Services
- Prohibited Content, Products and Services
- Prohibited Campaign Practices
V Branding text must accurately reflect the source of the content.
For more information on branding text policies, please see Campaign Branding Text.