In an effort to provide the highest quality network for our users, every campaign item that is submitted to our network gets reviewed and labeled. The review and labeling process is done according to Taboola’s advertising policies and applies to all items before they go live.
In this article, we will walk you through our review process: how it works, how long it typically takes, and what factors will be considered.
How Does the Campaign Review Process Work?
Once you create a campaign, the campaign status will be set to “pending”, which means it is in our queue to review.
We use multiple methods, including technical and manual processes, to review the campaign and each item within that campaign, including the titles, thumbnails, branding text and destination URLs. We also check the landing pages, ensuring that both the first party content and all third party ads comply with our advertising policies.
We will notify you once your campaign has been reviewed, and we will let you know what the result of the review is. Your campaign and campaign items can be either:
- Fully launched and running - this means every campaign item is ready to run on the network.
- Partially launched and running - this means not every campaign item is launched, but at least 1 is running on the network.
- Rejected and not running - this means your campaign and campaign items are rejected and not running on the Taboola network.
You can learn more about how to check the status of your campaigns and campaign items here.
If your campaign is running, it will also have a safety setting applied based on the campaign items in the campaign. You can learn more about safety settings here.
How Long Will the Review Process Take?
We aim to review all content within 1 business day from submission. However, some reviews may take longer if the campaign or campaign items you submitted require a more detailed review.
If you have any questions about the campaign review l process, please reach out to your Account Manager or