To provide a positive experience for our users, Taboola uses campaign safety ratings which determine which campaign items and campaigns are acceptable across our publisher network.
Taboola has two safety ratings: Medium and High. If your campaign has a High rating, that means it meets the standards of the majority of our publishers and therefore is more likely to get scale across the network. If your campaign has a Medium rating, that means that your campaign is likely to have a limited reach on a subset of publishers who accept Medium type campaigns. No publishers accept a Low safety rating, and thus your content will be rejected
Before your campaign goes live, our team looks at every submitted campaign item and assigns the appropriate safety rating to each campaign.
To learn more about the content review process, see here.
Your campaign’s safety rating will be determined by the quality of all elements of the campaign items within the campaign, including each item’s thumbnail, title and landing page.
Your campaign’s safety level is set at the campaign level, and will be set to the highest possible rating in order to provide you with the most reach. If you have both High-rated and Medium-rated creatives in your campaign, then we will rate the campaign High and we will reject any items that are only suitable to Medium-rated traffic.
Safety Ratings Overview
Level |
Content Within This Category |
High |
Suitable for all audiences, generally not offensive |
Medium |
Suitable only for some audiences due to its nature e.g. mean-spirited, exaggerated, exploits insecurities, etc. |
Below are some examples of campaign item characteristics that qualify as High or Medium. Please note that these lists are not exhaustive.
High Safety Characteristics
Branded content
World news from premium publishers
Mortgage, credit cards, refinance
Political topics
Healthcare topics
Fashion articles with no sexual context
Positive/neutral celebrity content
Sports (with images that do not focus on skin)
Auto insurance
Premium weight loss products
Alcohol (where permitted)
Swimwear with no sexual context
Medium Safety Characteristics
Gambling (where permitted)
Beauty products
Anti-aging products
Clickbait titles inducing type of titles
Exaggerated titles
Titles that refer to a particular slide on the website
Titles with excessive punctuation
Unflattering pictures
Body part closeups
Belly fat images
Photoshopped circles or arrows to focus a user's attention on one part of the picture
Thumbnails of people kissing
Thumbnails that are mildly suggestive
Thumbnails containing weapons, drugs or cigarettes