There are two tasks to complete to set up an Adjust S2S integration for an advertiser:
- Adjust Set-Up
(This tracker set-up is different for campaigns going to a landing page vs going to an app store). - Taboola Ads Set-Up
Important Note:
Tracking Setup
Taboola is a module partner of Adjust. Make sure to enable the Taboola Module in Adjust to set up tracking with Taboola. Once the Module is enabled and the tracking is set up, Adjust will start sending postbacks to Taboola for different events.
For networks who are not a module partner of Adjust, a parameter named “install_callback” is used with the Adjust tracker URL to send postbacks. If both a module and install_callback is enabled, it will lead to double conversions for each event.
Please be advised, do not use this parameter install_callback to set up tracking and send postbacks. Only enable the Taboola module in Adjust for tracking and sending postbacks.
Task 1 - Adjust Set Up
There are two set up options depending on where the campaign URL links to.
Campaigns which go direct to the App Store / Play Store are much easier to set up and accurate at conversion tracking. The flip side of this is that landing pages can often have better conversion rates as you can give the user much more information than the app store.
Important Note:
The default attribution settings for Adjust are not compatible with Taboola. Adjust’s default settings for attribution have Device ID tracking ON and Fingerprinting OFF. Taboola can only attribute mobile-app conversions via Fingerprinting. This means the default setting is incompatible with Taboola Ads. Before launching, you must change the attribution settings for Taboola in the tracker URL settings:
Probabilistic Matching = ON
Adjust attribution setup can be modified in two ways, at the app level and at tracker level. Edit the attribution settings in the Adjust dashboard to match with settings in Taboola Ads and avoid discrepancies.
- App-level attribution
App-level attribution settings only apply when the client is only using Taboola tracker for their app and no other tracking platform like Facebook, Google etc. Select ‘Attribution’ option on the app level floater. - Tracker-level attribution
Tracker-level attribution settings apply to a tracker where ‘Taboola’ is selected as a partner network.
Follow the path : Adjust App > Trackers [Taboola] > Edit > Attribution Settings
My Link Goes Directly to the App Store / Play Store
Step 1 : Log into The Adjust Dashboard
Please log into the Adjust dashboard.
The default dashboard view will show the apps created by the advertiser, if there are none, then please click on the ‘New App’ button on the top left corner of the view and create a new Adjust app.
Step 2 : Adding Taboola as a Partner
Within the 'Partner Setup' section, search for and select Taboola.
Partner Setup > Add Partners > Taboola
Open the floater, on Adjust app by clicking on the button on your relevant app and select ‘Partner Setup’.
The blue floater on the right displays the ‘Partner Setup’ screen on the Adjust dashboard. If ‘Taboola’ is already added by the client then it will appear under the ‘NETWORK’ column. Otherwise, select ‘Add Partners’ to add Taboola as a partner.
Note: Taboola is the network and module partner of adjust. More details here
Search ‘Taboola’ on the partner’s search bar, and the results will show ‘Taboola’. Click to add Taboola as a network partner.
Step 3: Forwarding Installs and Revenue to Taboola
From the 'Add Partner' screen, toggle the 'Enabled' section to On, to enable the partner
'Revenue Forwarding' will pass back the in-app spend to Taboola Ads. This can be valuable data for optimization so you may want to toggle this 'On' as well.
Step 4: Set Up In-App Event Tracking (Optional)
Each event you are tracking in Adjust can also be tracked in Taboola Ads. You will need to create an individual event conversion rule in Taboola Ads (this is covered in the Taboola Ads activation instructions on this page).
- Select ‘Event Linking’ to setup In-App events
- Enter the name defined in Taboola Ads for each event you want to transmit to Taboola. If you have not yet created conversions in Taboola Ads yet, you can hit the "Fill all with event names" button. Then create conversions with those respective event names in Taboola Ads.
Important Note: The Taboola name MUST NOT contain any spaces.
Step 5: Get the URL for Taboola Ads
- Pick ‘Tracker Name’ of your choice and select ‘Taboola’ as a Network and select ‘Quick Create’
- Click and Impression Adjust Tracker URLs will be generated. Please copy the Click URL and set it as the landing page for your Ads. The Impression URL can be set as a 3rd party impression tag in Taboola Ads but this is optional.
My Link Goes to a Landing Page First
There are two ways to track conversions for campaigns which go to a landing page first.
One is more accurate but requires development work on the client's side and the second is less accurate for conversion tracking but easier to set-up.
Option 1: Accurate Conversion Tracking but Requires Development Work
Step 1: Get the Correct Adjust Link
Please follow the steps covered in the “My Link Goes Directly to the App Store/Play Store” section above. In the final step, generate the Adjust tracking URL and remove the Click ID macro entirely.
The section in red below should be removed from the link.{click_id}
Your final link should look something like this:
Step 2: Ensure the Links on the Landing Page Use the Correct URL
All of the Calls To Action on the landing page need to hyperlink with the exact link from step 1 for this option to work.
For this reason, it is best to use a landing page created for Taboola and not other traffic sources as the page needs to use the Taboola specific links in order for us to track conversions.
This means all of the hyperlinks on the landing page should look similar to:
A click ID will need to be dynamically appended to this URL later on. This will be covered in step 5.
Step 3: Add URLs to the Taboola Ads Campaign
Once the landing page is set up from step 2, you can add the URLs of your landing pages (NOT the Adjust links) to the campaign in Taboola Ads.
Step 4: Add Click ID Parameter to the Campaign Level Tracking
Click on the Pencil Icon next to your campaign name to edit your campaign settings.
Find the Tracking Code section and add a parameter (name whatever you would like) and set it equal to {click_id} (this part CANNOT be altered).
What is a click ID?
{click_id} is a Taboola-specific macro that populates upon the click of an ad with an alphanumeric value and includes both the user ID and the advertiser ID so we know which account should receive the conversion credit. Click here for more on macros.
Step 5: Storing/Passing the Click ID
When we pass the click ID through the URL to your landing page, you will need to either:
- Save that value in your system and populate it onto the end of the links we configured in step 2 (only really used in multiple page funnels)
- Immediately take this value from the URL and append it to the link configured in step 2 (easiest method, recommended to be used if there is only a single page)
The link on the landing page when clicked by the user would look similar to this:
Example of How This Works In Practice
- John Doe clicks on one of the ads.
- The landing page URL that he arrives on is (notice the click ID has been populated by Taboola).
- John Doe browses the landing page content and decides he wants to download the app and clicks on the CTA on the page.
- You dynamically add the click ID that we passed to you onto the link on the CTA
- John Doe's link looks like this when he clicks:
- Adjust recognizes this is a Taboola link that was created in their platform, so when John completes the app install, Adjust tells Taboola that the click id RandomClickID123 has converted.
- Taboola receives this information and looks up the click ID. We will see that RandomClickID123 is from your campaign and register the conversion in the campaign summary report in Taboola Ads.
Option 2: Less Accurate Conversion Tracking but Simpler Set Up
This option requires modifying the Adjust link that is placed in the campaign and uses Probabilistic Matching to attribute conversions.
Step 1: Get the Correct Adjust Link
Please follow the steps covered in the “My Link Goes Directly to the App Store/Play Store” section above. In the final step, generate the Adjust tracking URL. It should look something like this:{click_id}
Step 2: Add the Adjust Redirect Parameter to the URL
Take the Adjust URL and add the below parameter to the end of the URL:
Step 3: Encode Your Landing Page URL
You now need to get the URL you wish to use for the landing page and encode it. You can use this free site to do the encoding:
Enter your URL and click 'Encode':
The output should look like this:
Copy this encoded URL.
Step 4: Add the Encoded URL to the Adjust Link
Now you need to add 3 elements from steps 1-3 to complete the link.
- Original Adjust Link
+ - &redirect=
+ - [ encoded URL ]
The link we have created using the color coding above in our example would look like this:{click_id}&
Step 5: Enable Probabilistic Matching
For this flow to work, Probabilistic Matching will need to be activated in the Adjust platform. Please follow the steps laid out below taken from this Adjust Help Centre article.
Step 6: Placing Links in Your CTA Buttons
There are multiple options for the links you can place in the CTA buttons on your landing page. (Adjust link with no parameters, Adjust link with engagement fallback parameter, direct link to app/play store, etc.). We recommend that you reach out to Adjust support for advice on which link would best suit your needs.
Task 2 - Taboola Ads Set Up
Step 1: Create a Conversion Rule to Track Installs
In order to track an install, you need to create an event based conversion rule in Taboola Ads.
- In the Tracking tab on Taboola Ads, select the 'New Conversion' button.
- Under Conversion Type, select 'Event'.
- Select 'App Install' as the Category.
- Ensure the Event Name is exactly: install
- Complete the rest of the fields as desired (Value, Conversion Name etc.)
Step 2: Create a Conversion Rules for Each In-App Event
In order to track an in-app event, you need to create additional event based conversion rules in Taboola Ads. To do so, please follow the directions covered in step 1, but select an appropriate Category and set the Event Names to match exactly what was set in My link Goes Direct To The App Store / Play Store > Step 4: Set Up In-App Event Tracking (Optional).