What is it?
Search Keyword and Mail Domain Targeting are high-intent audience targeting features on Taboola. They offer the ability to create segments of users who:
- have received mails from specific domains (UK, US, HK, TW, CA, AUS, RO, FR, BR, IN only)
- have searched for certain words or phrases (US, UK, HK, TW only)
These segments are likely to be beneficial in understanding user intent as it relates to your product.
Key use cases include: competitor conquesting, complimentary targeting, and incremental strategies to drive performance.
How does it work?
Thanks to our direct, code-on-page integration with our publisher partners, these custom audiences can be created to target as part of a wider targeting strategy, combined with other audiences, or targeted separately.
The following step-by-step guide shows how to create these custom audience segments
How to create a Mail Domain user segment
1. Click on + New Audience
3. Give your audience segment a name
4. Select the market you are targeting
5. Start typing in the names of domains you wish to select
6. Select as many domains as you want. You can also do this in bulk by uploading a CSV file
7. Click on Create Audience and you're done! Remember to then target or exclude these audiences in your campaigns.
What are the best practices when using these features?
- Above all, it’s important to meet a reasonable scale when using these segments. Always be mindful of the reach estimator and consider relaxing other targeting restrictions (e.g. blocklists) when targeting these segments.
- A minimum of 1,000 monthly active users (MAU) is required for an audience to build. If the audience is too small a warning message will be presented in the UI
- With both mail domain and search keyword segments, you must determine the trade off between intent and scale. This can be done by setting a ‘broad’ or ‘exact’ match for search keywords, and setting a long or short lookback window for mail domains. For example, a shorter lookback window would capture a more intentful audience but will likely result in a smaller audience pool.
- The audiences will not be created instantly. It takes time to map the users and build the audience pools. It’s therefore recommended to wait 24-48 hours once a segment has been created to get the segment’s full reach. If you’re setting a campaign live straight away, you might notice that your campaign isn’t able to scale straight away.
- Finally, make sure to include our largest premium publishers in your campaign’s targeting, including Yahoo supply
Please find a link to Taboola's policy regarding mail domains and search keywords here.