1. Create Your Taboola Pixel base code in Backstage and an event code for each Conversion you would like to track.
Note: URL-based conversions do not work in DCM–you must create an event code.
2. Log in to DCM and click on Advertisers on the top menu
3. Choose the right advertiser and then, go to Floodlight activities as shown below
4. Choose the right floodlight activities in the list.
Note: Client should have already defined the activities. If they are tracking multiple conversion points, they will have different activities for each conversion point, which requires different event snippet from Taboola
5. Scroll down and find Dynamic tags
6. Click on New tag of Default tags
7. Name the tag and place the Taboola Pixel code
Note: Both base code and event code snippet should be implemented together in the container. The base code come before the event code as per below (be sure to replace placeholder XXXXXXX with your ID code):
<!-- Taboola Pixel Code -->
<script type='text/javascript'>
window._tfa = window._tfa || [];
window._tfa.push({notify: 'event', name: 'page_view', id: XXXXXXX});
!function (t, f, a, x) {
if (!document.getElementById(x)) {
t.async = 1;t.src = a;t.id=x;f.parentNode.insertBefore(t, f);
<img src='//trc.taboola.com/XXXXXXX/log/3/unip?en=page_view'
width='0' height='0' style='display:none'/>
<!-- End of Taboola Pixel Code -->
<!-- Taboola Pixel Code -->
_tfa.push({notify: 'event', name: 'event_name', id: XXXXXXX});
<img src='//trc.taboola.com/XXXXXXX/log/3/unip?en=event_name'
width='0' height='0' style='display:none'/>
<!-- End of Taboola Pixel Code →
8. Save the setting
9. You're ready to start tracking these Conversions in Backstage!