This article provides an overview of Taboola’s recommended creative best practices for your programmatic campaign items. Below are our requirements and best practices.
Programmatic Native Display
Technical Requirements:
- Image file: 1 MB Max, JPEG preferred
- Headline Character Length: 35-45 characters, 60 maximum
- Branding Text: 30 characters maximum
- 1000 x 600px minimum (Feed)
Thumbnail Best Practices:
- People are always preferable— even better if they’re at medium zoom from the shoulders up, or even closer.
- Avoid image clutter. Clean images with a single center of focus will help you stand out.
- Utilize eye-catching colors to attract the users’ attention.
Title Best Practices:
Your title can be a powerful targeting tool. Call out your audience or your product when possible:
Here’s Why Parents Love This New Video Streaming Service
Here’s Why People Love This Website
Front-load titles with an eye-catching main point:
How Bad Customer Service Can Be Hurting Your Business
New Research Can Shed Light on How Bad Customer Service Can Hurt Your Business
Numbered lists can be a good way to entice a user to click:
5 New features you can find on your smartphone
A useful guide to your smart-phone's newest features
Intrigue and mystery can help draw in users:
The real secret to happiness may surprise you
Study shows more sleep will make you happier over time
Don’t forget that titles should be capitalized, just as you would an article headline:
How Ad Tech is Transforming the Marketing Landscape
The complete guide to how ad tech is changing marketing
Programmatic Outstream Video
Technical Requirements:
- Media Type: MP4, MOV
- 3rd Party Tag Specifications: VAST 2.0, VAST 2.0 with VPAID 2.0 JS, VAST 3.0
- Aspect Ratios: 16:9 (preferred), 4:3, 1:1
- Video Size Limit: 150 MB
- Bitrate: >=2500 kbps
- Video length: 6-30 seconds (preferred), 90 seconds maximum
Video Campaign TIPS AND TRICKS
- Test different creatives - Test two or three creatives to see what works best for your video. Consider using people, nature scenes, city scenes, and a lot of movement!
- Visit for the latest video trends in your market!
Programmatic Native Video
Technical Requirements:
- Media Type: MP4, MOV
- 3rd Party Tag Specifications: VAST 2.0, VAST 3.0
- Aspect Ratios: 16:9 (preferred), 4:3, 1:1
- Video Size Limit: 150 MB
- Bitrate: >=2500 kbps
- Video length: 6-30 seconds (preferred), 90 seconds maximum
Headline, Title, and Branding Text:
Headline Character Length: 35-45 characters, 60 maximum
Branding Text: 30 characters maximum