What are CRM-Based Conversions?
Leveraging CRM-Based Conversions allows you to measure how much your ads lead to real-world outcomes, including phone orders, bookings, and more.
Specifically, you can leverage CRM-Based Conversions to:
- Track offline activity recorded in your CRM and see how much of it can be attributed to your ads.
- Make informed optimizations on your Taboola campaigns according to these actions.
- Measure the offline return on your ad spend and lead generation efforts.
- Retarget and show ads to users based on the actions they have taken beyond the lead capture.
How to Set Up CRM-Based Conversions?
Before starting your campaigns in Taboola Ads, follow these steps.
1. In Taboola Ads [step A in the figure above]:
To capture your CRM-based event, create an event-based conversion. It is important to use an Event Name that fits your system’s naming convention. In this example, the conversion of value is a booked appointment, with an event name of ‘appointmentscheduled’
2. Next, in your campaign parameters, add a Taboola click identifier parameter, tbclid=
Use the {click_id} macro as the parameter value tbclid={click_id}
When a user clicks on your ad, the {click_id} macro will change to unique alphanumeric string.
Example of a tbclid value: CjA2Yjc5NDM2Yy1lZDE3LTQzZTgtYTNlMi1lMTE4M2MzYTI5ZGQtdHVjdDJiYmE4ZmYSEHNpbmGpdmliZXNuZXctc2M
3. In your CRM [step C in the figure]:
- At the lead level, create new TBCLID field (TBCLID should be an alphanumeric field that can contain up to 1,000 characters). This field will be associated to a given lead and will be used to match their progress in your marketing funnel to the interaction with your ads.
Note: This field must match the Taboola click identifier parameter that has been added to your campaign URLs. The lead field & URL parameter could match the sample provided, "TBCLID", or you may customize it.
- You will need to create a trigger that sends an .http request when a lead accomplishes a conversion action (see request endpoint and example below).
- For example, if your sales person talked with the lead and scheduled an appointment. Make sure to use the same event name you created on Taboola Ads for this purpose. Please note you can track multiple events according to different actions you want to measure, but you will need to generate distinct event-based conversions in Taboola Ads for each valuable action.
http request endpoint (template):
http request endpoint example:
https://trc.taboola.com/actions-handler/log/3/s2s-action?click-id= CjA2Yjc5NDM2Yy1lZDE3LTQzZTgtYTNlMi1lMTE4M2MzYTI5ZGQtdHVjdDJiYmE4ZmYSEHNpbmGpdmliZXNuZXctc2M&name=appointmentscheduled
4. On your website [step B in the figure]:- Grab the TBCLID parameter value and store it in a cookie, local storage, or any other method that you find proper for this purpose.
- When a user completes a given action, extract the click ID from the appropriate storage format and send it with the lead details to your CRM / Internal System. This can be done using an invisible input field form or in any other method you think is suitable for your system. In your CRM, store the tbclid in the corresponding field you created in step 1. In the use case on this page, the action would be a Booked Appointment.
- Grab the TBCLID parameter value and store it in a cookie, local storage, or any other method that you find proper for this purpose.
How to Submit Offline Conversions in Bulk
Taboola also provides an API endpoint that can be used to bulk submit S2S conversions.
This is the equivalent of invoking the postback URL (above) multiple times.
For more detail, download the PDF document provided in the Resources section below.