This article provides an overview of Taboola’s Ads with Description campaign items. Below are recommended creative best practices for creating great ad creatives and copy.
Format Highlights:
- Tell more of your story in order to have a higher impact at the impression level
- Increase conversion intent before a click, using more information at the creative level
- Adapt your social content across Taboola’s media formats.
Best Practices at a Glance:
- Description length:
- Maximum 250 characters
- The description length presented depends on the placement. If truncated, the description will end in an ellipsis.
- All languages are supported
- Emojis are not supported
- You can see a preview of the ads using the image preview tool in Taboola Ads and Backstage.
Creative Insights and Content Strategies
Use a variety of content strategies to drive clicks and qualify conversions:
Creative images or videos naturally play off of the Description in this ad type visit our Creative Best Practices page to see images and videos that work best for your campaign goals.
Use Keywords in the Description that fit your goals.
Tell your story in the description and creatives, leading with messaging you want the reader to immediately see under the Title. As far as driving high conversion rates, we've seen words that describe the product’s features drive high CVR increase, whereas words that describe the product in superlative terms like ‘outstandingly comfortable’ or ‘best ever’ drive high CTR.
We found the following tactics and ad copy examples work well for driving conversions:
Example 1: Bold Statement Description with Bold Statement Title
Example 2: Descriptive audience Title with a Direct Call-To-Action in the Description
Example 3: Product Detail Description with Bold Statement Title
Creative Specs at a Glance for Conversion Campaigns
Native Display - Static Image
Headline Copy: Up to 60 Characters (35 - 45 recommended)
Branding Text: Up to 30 Characters --> Capitalize Like a Book Title
Static Thumbnail: Min. 1000x600 (maintain similar ratio), up to 2.5MB, JPEG Preferred
Video (Video Sponsored Content): Min. 1000x600 (maintain similar ratio), up to 3MB, Max length 15s, MP4 or GIF
Aspect Ratio 1000x600
Description Support for Branding Video:
Description is also supported on Branding Video campaigns as an optional add on component. This enables you to add more of your brand story to the video experience; while it's an effective tactic adding Description should not confuse your outcomes, as Branding Video (even with Description) is intended for awareness marketing objectives and not conversions.
File: MP4, MOV- Up to 50MB, <30s creative length preferred, Max 3m (requires aproval), Bitrate>=2500KBPS
Third-Party Tags: VAST 2.0, VAST 2.0 w/ VPAID 1.0/2.0, VAST 3.0
Aspect Ratio Cross-Platform: 16:9, Mobile-Only: 1:1, 4:5
Implementation at a Glance:
- Ad Creative Descriptions are optional
- Based on the specific environment and publishers, Taboola will auto-optimize between your ad with and without description to show the best creative for achieving strong performance.
- Description works with Video (Sponsored Content), Static Images, and GIFs. Soon to come CTA button
- DKI and emojis are not supported in description
Relevant Resources
- Manage and preview your creatives before campaigns are live here
- Follow all relevant Policy Guidelines for your region and industry.
- Title and Thumbnail Best Practices